Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy May Day!

Hello blogging world! As the common greeting goes, Happy May Day! The coming of May has been much anticipated this year as this month my husband, Patrick, and I are expecting our first little munchkin. Currently I am 37 weeks playing the waiting game, more impatiently than not, for our Lucy to arrive.

Yesterday when I went to work, I wondered what May Day was all about. Seeing as people don't generally say, Happy March Day or Happy November Day!! I assumed it must have something to do with the armed forces, air force, or navy. Reason for my conclusion... The good old distress call, "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday"! And Of course, I was wrong.

May day actually originated before the days of Christ. Pagans celebrated May 1st as the half year mark opposite of November 1st. A festival that the Pagans held in the springtime celebrating Flora, the godess of flowers. May 1st also was the day farm laborers had off after the completion of their seeding (May Day can also be referred to as Labor or Workers Day). Everyone in the community would gather to dance around the maypole with vines wrapped of flowers.

Pagan Springtime Festival ; May 1st

As Europe became Christianized, Pagan traditions began to fade away being pushed aside or merged with our common celebrations of Easter and Christmas. Today, not many people celebrate May day in America. Although, if you get a basket of flowers hanging from your door by anonymous, you then will be part of an old European tradition.

So the arrival of our little Lucy, in hopes will come as we celebrate May flowers and the new spring season vs. the distress call of Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!!!


  1. I guess it’s true what they say, you learn something new every day. Nice job. Can’t wait to read more.
