Wednesday, June 26, 2013

in the moment > time flys with birds

After coming back from WI, Lucy and I found our little robin eggs had hatched! How exciting!! Ever since, we have been watching intently every day as the mom and dad birdies switch shifts hovering, retrieving food, and feeding.... It's been very eventful to say the least.

 Of course I got these few pictures, thinking I would have tons of time to get more....but to our surprise the robins have all gone - one by one.  Unfortunately we never got to see them actually take off.  But we did get to see the whole process of the nest being built to the eggs hatching, to the birdies with closed eyes transforming into beautiful birds.  The last couple of days we noticed one missing, then two, and finally just the one alone trying to spread its wings.  Now there is a sudden void as we eat our action to watch anymore.  It's really kind of sad..... Here is my last video taken of them eating from our kitchen window....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

replay > Liz Lee

I miss the show "My Life As Liz".  She had such a beautiful voice, plus I'm such a sucker for high school misfits.  She introduced me to Band of Horses oh so long ago (I'm listening to now which made me think to blog this) covering The Funeral.  Be happy I'm just posting this - in the future it may be how much I miss watching The Real Housewives' shows...

Here she covers New Order, Bizarre Love Triangle (appropriately, as she was in one herself).  Due to video choices, I have here Spanish subtitles - for those of you needing clarification...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Reason #107 > Evenings in the backyard

After a night out of Mexican, we decided to keep the party rolling with some beer and a little competition of bean bags.   As Patrick swept me, I couldn't help but notice that everyone on our block was outside in their backyards enjoying the awesome evening weather!  Bill next door, barbequing something that smelt glorious, poked his head over to see the commotion we had going (very Tim & Al).  Tara and Tom were climbing their brand new play ground in the backyard with Karin, whom kept yelling out and waving to the masses running, jogging, walking, biking the Iron Horse Trail.  And so on and so on... I love that everyone here really takes the time to enjoy the beautiful weather.  The perfect evenings.  Windows are open, doors are ajar, and people are always in and out.  It is so refreshing to have this very communal feeling.  We are all here to enjoy life, and it is always better when we can enjoy it knowing our neighbors are doing just the same!

Friday, June 21, 2013

in the moment > watering the grass with yiayia

As I said, the weather was perfect in WI - and because of all the rain, and some diligent watering by sprinklers, the yard looked Fabulous! All the hard work my parents put in laying wood chips really paid off.  It did not go unnoticed. This was the BEST the yard has looked in years.  Finally! - Heard this coming weekend the weather is looking up! Enjoy it!!! Happy Friday!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

replay > corey harris

This is how I feel with my lucy on days like today - her 1.5 hour normal nap, is currently passing 3 hours.  Poor stuffy babycakes ~

my lucy > sick puppy

As Lucy is teething - these top two teeth are taking FOREVER to break thru - she is in and out of colds.  It was pretty bad yesterday, with a slight fever included.  Something makes my heart melt as she fights through this, but it will never amount to her first cold/fever at 4 months....she is so darn loveable!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

@ half moon bay > happy father's day daddy

 Daddy ~
Thank you for putting me to sleep every night
Thank you for changing my dirty diapers
Thank you for all the kisses
Thank you for your human slide
Thank you for all of your unconditional Love
Thank you for making me giggle
Thank you for being you, MY DAD
I Love You more than my jibber jabber can describe
~Your Lucy

Saturday, June 15, 2013

my lucy > papouli's gift

Lucy and I made a trip home to Wisconsin this past week.  Finally we arrived along with some good weather! It's been awhile that we didn't have to suffer through a blizzard, tornado winds, rain, fog, or extreme heat and humidity.  We came home to celebrate Lucy's birthday (again) with family and close friends.  Who knew we would be so surprised to receive this as a gift.  This was totally unexpected.  A handmade gift from my awesome dad!  He is so talented in so many ways - especially in his craftsmanship.  This was beyond our wildest imagination! The best part (as mentioned so many times) are the hinges... the extremely slow closing hinges... all to protect our sweet lucy's tiny fingers (see photo above as it glides in thin air)!  I so look up to him that he is able to start with an idea and end with a beautiful creation.  As it is being shipped out to CA, Lucy is waiting ever so patiently to store all her new toys in her very own toy chest. Thank you Papouli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In lieu of Father's Day, I have to say that I love my dad.  We have had a few rough times (...), but there are still those special moments I have with him, whether he knows it or not, that I will remember for a lifetime.  It was really nice seeing him this past week.  I can't say how much emotion went through my body as lucy and I left him at the airport.  After we took our last turn to wave goodbye, yes...I cried.  I'm such a sap.  I Love you so much dad!

Friday, June 7, 2013

in the moment > the birds

The eggs have been laid (4).  Both of the robins were about 2 feet away from me when I took this photo as I stood on a very wobbly chair... Thoughts of Alfred Hitchcock came to mind (the flashlight being my camera)......... I'm on my way back home to Wisconsin today, hopefully when I get back they will have hatched! oh the suspense!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

replay > captain & tenille

With Lucy turning one, my emotions are kind of erratic (where we were this time last year, where we will be next year, and trying to take all the current cuteness where we are now).  I am a little late with some of my posts, her birthday set me back a bit.  Until I get all my birthday pics sorted through and posted - enjoy this goodie.  It's no Charo, but it'll do! It gets my point across of what I feel for Lucy right now...