Tuesday, May 28, 2013

in the moment > a birthday surprise...

After 2 full hours of blood, sweat and tears we finally got this baby together! Cannot wait to see Lucy's face on Wednesday!  (now if i can just figure out how to put photos in a gif file, i can show you the making of)...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

order up > chicken potpourri

After complaining this week to my new mommie group of how I feel that I am cooking too much, and what feels like every night (they gave me encouraging words of leftovers) - I came across this goodie. I had a fridge full of leftovers - potatoes, asparagus, and other veggies.  I also had a can of chicken in the pantry that I have been staring at for quite some time now.  Took the ole Campbell's recipe 'chicken pot pie' and made it my own.  Leftover pot pie.  Yummmm! So easy, so quick, so good! I didn't spend the whole evening washing dishes either! Too bad, after a busy day...Lucy missed it.  She slept right through > > >

Friday, May 24, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

in the moment > a robin's nest

 I was feeding Lucy her morning cinnamon oatmeal and bananas, when we noticed a robin (normally I point out the large blue birds that hang outside the window).  Lucy stared at it sitting in the tree, flying away, then come back, and again, over and over.  As she was drawn to the birdie flying around, I realized that the '2' of them were building a nest.  Right outside our window!!! We had a great view from the kitchen table - bonus, I got front row right out the kitchen window over the sink!  So we watched from beginning to end this morning the making of a nest, and even cooler watched as the male and female took turns guarding the tree from the fence, as if on lookout.  Both of us were so amazed.  No eggs yet... I definitely will keep you posted and of course have pictures.  :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

move me > float on

  In lieu of swimming lessons, here is Lucy in our newly opened pool! This is going to be a great summer!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reason #106 > my new Yatzee!

I love playing tennis - I love the sport - and I love the fact that I'm meeting so many great women! I joined a league since moving here, and couldn't be happier!  I love being on the court regardless of win or lose...

The best part of living in Las Vegas was my Yatzee group I met with once a month.  Yes, Really.  The women were so cool, so down to earth, so welcoming, and my best friends to say the least.  Even though some of them had a solid 40 years on me, I always looked forward to the first Wednesday of every month.  So far with tennis, I have enjoyed the women I have encountered...but maybe more, I have enjoyed the time after our matches drinking wine and eating the goodies brought by the home team.  Something about it reminds me of Yatzee.  Although it will never add up, or be the same....Tennis for right now puts a smile on my face - It puts that little extra jump in my step.

I hope all the ladies back in Vegas are doing well - oh so healthy - and still laughing (atleast the first Wednesday of the month)!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

sneak peak > in good company

My first mother's day rocked.  On the actual day, Sunday, we went to Redwood Regional Park with Matt, Jamie and Penelope.  It was so nice to see yet another beautiful part of California.  It is always nice to be in such good company...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

my lucy > my giant peach

 let's get this cap on!

         here, you try...                              no...I can get it...while I sing to you

maybe i'll get the last few drops first

I can do it!!                                            I got it!!!!


see mommy!                                              mwuhahaha!

the small things in life.

Monday, May 13, 2013

my lucy > ladybugs

I had the best mother's day weekend.  It was one to remember for sure. A picnic with Patrick and Lucy at Las Trampas Regional Wilderness deep in the woods (lady bug central), a beautiful night stroll through downtown Danville, followed with an awesome dinner at the Basil Leaf (Lucy was a real character this night).  We slept in the backyard in our new tent, I woke up to Lucy giggling and bouncing all over the air mattress, yummy chocolate croissants, and a day with our cousins at Redwood Regional Park...totally the best!  I'm still trying to get this multi-photo figured out - so more photos of our weekend to come.  Oh, and we threw some frisbee - Yay for Mother's Day!

retro > happy mother's day

This weekend was my first celebrated mother's day as a mother.  Funny how history repeats itself.  I can only hope I am half the mother my mom was.  I can finally see life through her eyes. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Reason #105 > I feel like I'm on vacation, then realize I live here

As we took a nice long evening walk yesterday, I told Patrick that I want to stop in every store and eat at every restaurant - in a way saying that we need to do this all before we have to leave... But we don't! We don't have to leave! We can go to all the stores and try all the restaurants whenever we want! (well, not really - I do have a budget).  Many towns (cities) we live near offer so much.  I really do love it here!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

move me > funny twitch

We think this head twitch is her mimicking??  I must do this when I scare her doing peek-a-boo... We think it's pretty funny.

(lots of videos just got put on I know - I didn't plan for this, but since I learned how to upload to youtube so easily this past weekend, I wanted to get out her current videos before time passed). 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

move me > first steps

Sunday was Greek Easter - I was so in tune with getting my first major Greek dinner put together during the morning hours - to my surprise it was all put to a stop when Patrick and Andy yelled for me to watch Lucy.  She took her first steps!

She really hasn't done much since Sunday morning - no big improvement, but I will work with her every minute pretty much to get her chugging!  My Big Fat Greek dinner turned out Great if you are wondering... Uncle Greg and Aunt Kathy came over as my guinea pigs.  All of the food was really good (I should have taken pics)!...but none of it compares to my baby cakes taking her first steps - It was all pretty magical!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Reason #104 > There is so much Green!

Speaking in so many terms here in CA - But I'm talking the color.  I love all the green trees, the green grass, the green homes, you name it - I Love It!  This past week has had record highs for this time of year. Resulting in some of the green turning to a blah tan.  I don't normally say this, but please Rain!  I don't want my green to fade away so soon!! Thank you CA for making my new home a reflection of my Beautiful Wisconsin (summer Wisconsin that is). 

Friday, May 3, 2013

in the moment > late night tiropita

I know I know, two posts in a row stolen from instagram...I'm wiped! For the good news, our good friend Andy is in town for the weekend - With his tech savvy ways I hope to learn some new techniques for me to blog with (video, gifs, htmls, etc.)  So stay tuned for a little improvement! Until then, get excited for my first whole Greek meal in the making!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

my lucy > first major boo boo

I wish I could say Lucy has over a 1" gouge smack center of her forehead due to her ability to climb up everything, and she fell.  Or that she leaped off the top of the slide at the park like a superhero...  No no, she got it just because her head and my fingernail were in the exact position that would cause such innocent injury.  My poor baby -

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Reason #102 > Everyone is Nice!

I have lived in CA now for 2 months.  Only once have a encountered a nasty clerk (@post office).  I cannot say how much I do not take for granted the kindness of everyone that I have crossed paths with.  Whether it is a clerk, a person behind me in line, people at the park, or tables sitting next to us in a restaurant - no one is afraid to strike up conversation, give a compliment, ask a question, or just chime on in with their opinion.  I love it! It was not like this in LV.  If only everyone really knew how grateful I am....