Monday, September 16, 2013

let's do this > new chairs!

I loathed these chairs.  I chose not to take close ups of the fabric due to a 17 year build up of bachelor and now, new baby grime.  Since Patrick wouldn't part with this dining set (yes, I got him to sell the 2 buffets), I had to somehow make it better, finally.

On our visit to Denver, we stopped in Fancy Tiger - a fabric shop much needed in Every City.  I wanted to buy all the fabric I laid eyes on, but left empty handed.  After coming home, I realized I made a mistake.  A few phone calls were made, some iphone photos were sent via text (Thank You!), and I ordered me up some of the fabric both Patrick and I had agreed on :)  And we went to work....

1) Flip over the chairs and unscrew the cushions

 2) Place the fabric where desired, flip over and staple from center out to the corners

3) It helps to have an extra set of hands to help pull tight.  The corners were a bit more difficult.  Click here to view this site for a little guidance

4) Put the cushions back on the chair to screw back in place....drum roll....

 5) Stand back in awe at this major transformation!!

We couldn't be happier - This just looks so right in this small space.  Yippee!!!


  1. Wow, what a difference this makes. I love the way the pattern changes for each chair. You have a great eye, Louie. Teamwork well done.

  2. Nice job, and mom says that you guys didn't learn anything from me!
