Tuesday, November 26, 2013

order up > taco salad! with a let's do this clean up

 Thanks to the Pioneer Woman, I came across a slew of easy recipes to try and all of them tasted great! I actually said after the beef stew that I truly feel like a "mom".  I hated beef stew growing up, and here I was making it for my own family.  Lucky for me, everyone liked it...even Lucy.

But my favorite was the taco salad.  I ended up making it for the family, then again the following weekend when my brother's family came to visit.  I highly recommend it, not only for the ease of preparation, but for the yummy taste!!  So here is my finished product - visit the Pioneer Woman's blog for full recipe and how to.  

(I swear I don't remember my brother not liking his corn touching other foods...This was a slight issue until his wifey told him to shut his eyes and eat it)!  Thanks Casey! The grilled corn was the best part!!

But.....To my dismay, I looked in the mirror later that evening and saw (da, da, daaaa)! Oil Spots all over my shirt!  Not only was it just a shirt, but it was a shirt I received in the mail that very day and Had to wear! Now ruined.  So I did what most people would do and washed it praying the oil comes out. I dried it too.  And the stains stuck.  You can see the stains better here in black and white (kinda):

So I Googled it - and found that even after washing and drying dish soap would get it out...So I tried it.  Rubbed dish soap on the shirt, then threw it in the washer once again.  To my surprise, it worked!!!!

So if you happen to fall upon an awesome recipe that may squirt oil...don't fret! Use dish soap! Maybe wear an art smock too?!

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