Tuesday, March 31, 2015

in the moment > some day soon when I feel like crud, she will be there for me

I know this looks scary, but she gets it.  Crazy as it sounds, she listens best in the kitchen.  It's all she wants - for me to get her stool out.  She amazes me everyday with her knowledge and passion of cooking.  Whether it's listing off the ingredients correctly, to pulling out the correct pans/utensils, or even correcting me on order of operation.  She's 2.75 years old, and she gets it.  I can only hope it continues - and that she someday becomes Master Chef Junior of course :)

(btw - she scrambled these eggs from start to finish.  I was by her side the whole time except to take this single photo.  For her first time at the stove, she killed it)


  1. Maybe you can get that mother's day breakfast that all mom's dream of, only yours will be sooner than most. Gotta love her.

  2. Auntie Kim was just like Lucy...always wanting to do something in the kitchen. That turned out pretty well, I'd say.
