Tuesday, April 30, 2013

order up > crunchy smashed potatoes

I thought I'd document another followed recipe tonight.  Another category, like grilled cheese, that never seems to turn out for me. Whatever I do, they never taste 'great!'.  So I grabbed the camera and followed The Pioneer Woman's recipe for her Crash Hot Potatoes.  This looked easy enough for me to not fail at.  

See her recipe on the link above.  What I did basically:

 1) Boil some water - add the potatoes - cooked until tender

 2) Place on oiled up tray (my tray isn't very pretty for photos)...

3) Mash with potato masher (this was weird, mine did not mash as clean and pretty as the Pioneer Woman)

 4) Photos not shown of the potatoes sliding all over breaking apart - I fit them back like a puzzle for sake of the photos.

 5) Pop 'em in the oven at 450 for 25 minutes (oil, salt, and thyme added)

 6) hmmmm... mine don't look as savory as hers - this is when I began to doubt myself (out came the butter, sour cream, and more salt)

 7) To my surprise...!!!... They were even more delicious than I could have ever imagined! No need for my backup plan of butter & sour cream garnished with potato! We had the potatoes with teriyaki chicken and pineapple.  Yummmmmy!!!!

Lucy got some for herself too!

So maybe they don't look identical to the pictures on the blog, maybe they don't come clean off the pan in a nice patty (mine sure didn't), but maybe they end up just as good! Maybe I'm getting better at this cooking thing that I really don't enjoy.  It sure makes it more fun when I document - just wait, there will be failures... but in the mean time - try this one out - it's De-Lish!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

my lucy > easter pics

Greek Easter is this Sunday - Last minute pictures were in play today to send out to family.  My sweet smiley baby never looked at the camera with a single smile.  Somehow she still looked adorable...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

happy birthday > to my big brother

Tommy, hope your day is filled with tons of happiness!   xoxo - the garretts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reason #101 > farmer's market

Reason #101 why I love California > the Farmer's Markets!  Today I went to the San Ramon farmers market with my new friend Gianna and her sweet baby Eliza (I hope I spelt that correctly).  It was a nice little break from home - put me in good spirits - enough, to attempt making grilled cheese...   

order up > omg grilled cheese

 Let me preface by saying I have never made a grilled cheese sandwich (that I can remember).  I've tried, and failed miserably.  Nowadays, it is one of the only 3 things my husband makes during the year.  I jump for joy everytime he says he will make his ooey-gooey oh so cheesey, avocado, & tomato grilled cheese. 

I met a small group of girls in the past couple of weeks that I now go on weekly park visits with.  I learned of one of their blogs, Rainbow Delicious that is all about grocery lists and meals for the week.  I was so impressed that I decided to try one of the simpler recipes.  That's when I found the Blueberry Brie Grilled Cheese Sandwich!!  Patrick was off today, so I thought it would be a nice treat for all of us...

Boy was it ever! I can't believe I made this beautiful creation! 'Oh my god' was overly repeated, echoing from the kitchen.  Hence the omg grilled cheese we have now named it.  Here are my debut pics - giving me courage that maybe I can cook/create, document, and share future recipes/crafts.

Click the above links for the recipes > I did use sourdough bread.  And just like Emily said - Honey is key!

Patrick loved it! Lucy liked it too!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

replay > Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings

I've owned this compilation album for some time now - Although, just recently with my itunes on shuffle, this one keeps popping up.  Every time my ears perk up and I end up always dancing with Lucy.  Now I'm officially addicted to them!  I want every album.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

my lucy > hel-Lo


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Reason #100 why I love California > fresh morning air / patio doors

After living 4 and a half years in Las Vegas, NV - I am elated to be here in California.  So many things things you forget about or take for granted - to me life in Las Vegas is just, dull.  Coming from Wisconsin, I have an appreciation for the small things in life.  Fresh air, communal living, family, small festivals, local music, and warmth (in so many ways).  Now here in CA, it is all coming back.  Not a day has passed since we moved here in March that I haven't given a Reason why I love California.  Hence, the reason I start at #100.  As I mentioned mornings have been beginning earlier and earlier in the Garrett household.  This week I began opening the patio door while Lucy drinks her bottle - I Love the Fresh Morning Air - of course, coffee in hand.

replay > Nicki Bluhm and The Gramblers

During Lucy's nap I left the tv on palladia - half listening to Live From Daryl's House.  Made me think of this awesome rendition...Enjoy!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

outing > sheep shearing day!

What a cool little gig, and just across the street from the neighborhood.  I definitely learned something new today.  The process itself, and a little about the lamb wool afterwards.  Patrick and I more so dug the vintage game booth they had set up.  Lucy's favorite part of the day...the ice cream.

in the moment > too early

We have been trying to get Lucy to sleep in longer - especially since I am not working - we've had no luck.  In fact, she's been getting up earlier.  Mornings are rough here.  Coffee.

Friday, April 19, 2013

move me > practice

I've been saying for the past 2 months that she will walk any day now.  Still nothing.  Today we got out in the sun, raised up the walker, and got to work.  "Any day now....."

Thursday, April 18, 2013

my lucy @ mount diablo

We ventured out today. Drove up the windy road to the spectacular views of Mount Diablo.  It was a Perfect day with my beautiful sweetheart...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

replay > Jake Bugg

No place better to start!  This song came to me at the perfect time.  New home, New scenery, New lifestyle, A Whole New World.  Here's to it...   Enjoy!