Tuesday, February 24, 2015

replay > jose gonzalez > stay alive

We just can't resist watching the Secret Life of Walter Mitty when it's on. All 3 of us somehow enter into it's trance.  It has such beautiful imagery and light, the music is hypnotizing, and the story is captivating.  I'm pretty sure it has 100% taken a spot in my top 3 favorite movies.  I forget what my other 2 are...(hmmm... American Beauty is one....and....hmph? I need to think this through).

Side note: We were supposed to get our windows put in today...and just got word they are pushing it back.  I don't know how much longer I can wait! This song kinda is pushing me through :) Enjoy!

Friday, February 20, 2015

her words > bad attitude

I was explaining to Lucy the difference of good and bad attitude.  Concentrating more on the bad... 
Not 2 minutes later...

Lucy: "Mommy, throw me in the garbage! I have Bad Atti-tude!"

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

my lucy > marshmallow swords

This is the closest thing I could get to a smile.  It's pretty much impossible to get her to look at the camera these days..

Monday, February 16, 2015

current obsession > favor girl

Artwork for Lucy's room has been way past due.  Maybe I was just waiting for the perfect piece?! I think this one suits her perfectly.

(My New Year's Resolution for 2015 was to get things hung on the walls.  Slowly but surely....)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

replay > george ezra 'blame it on me'

This song - his voice - makes me smile.  That's all we need on this heart filled week, right? A Simple Smile :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

my lucy > dresses over pj's

We are officially in the dress up phase.  I'm surprised it took this long....  You may be seeing lots more of dresses over pj's.  This 'dress up' also includes lots of baby powder while alone in her room, as well as Vaseline over her entire face, oh and baby butt cream slathered on her skin.  She says it makes her Beautiful!  I have a couple people in mind I can blame for this thought process!

If only you saw how much Vaseline covered her face! Bahaha!!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

current obsession > herve tullet 'mix it up'

Press Here was a favorite of ours prior to Christmas.  When I saw the color theme in this book, I knew I had to get it for my artistic niece, Annie.  I couldn't help myself at our recent library visit...had to snag one up for Lucy too.  It's been 1.5 weeks since we checked it out...and in a dreaded 1.5 weeks, we have to return it... I don't know who will be more upset - Lucy or me.  It's kinda the best book ever :)

Friday, February 6, 2015

move me > cracking eggs for breakfast

She has been doing this for some time now...but we realized we didn't have on video (oh the horror)... so yes, both phones were out - i think we got it this time :) Have a great weekend! Hopefully you too have an excellent egg cracker for your weekend brunch!