Today I realized that Patrick and Louie will be soon no longer be just that. We are about to become a family. I went to my doctor yesterday confirming that we will be heading off to the hospital most likely in the next week or so. Currently we are waiting to get measurement of the baby's size. Four weeks ago they told us that we have a small baby. Possibly just a normal small baby, or she is not growing due to my body not feeding her efficiently. So today we go for an ultrasound that will tell us which is so. If everything looks good, we can let nature take its course. If we find out otherwise, it sounds like they may send us off to the hospital. At 38 weeks there would be no benefit for her to stay inside if my body isn't giving her what she needs. Yes. I want her here now for my own selfish, giddy, in a way can't wait for Christmas morning reasons, but deep down I hope we can just stick to letting things happen the way they were intended to....
Most likely our last picture together before baby (testing out our new camera!) |
Patrick and I are thrilled to have this little one join us in our lives. It's crazy to think that the time is almost here. It seems like just yesterday that I moved to Las Vegas to be here with him. Now we are married with a third about to join. Most of my fear has disappeared...and all I really feel is....Ready. Ready to start a new chapter in my life.
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 1 = Family
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