Patrick and I had planned on trying for a baby soon after the wedding, but never would have thought that it would happen so fast. After a nine hour drive home from Lake Tahoe back to Vegas, we walked into our home with complete surprise. The water line to our fridge burst, leaving us with the nice wedding gift of flood. So quickly did our homecoming honeymoon take halt. The romance died with the smell of mold, water logged carpets, and wet wood. Coordinating opposite schedules from work to deal with contractors and insurance companies was interrupting our, time....
It was just over a month that things started to come together at the house. September 17th to be exact. I went to the movies with some girlfriends - The Help - realizing during the film that something wasn't right. Immediately after I booked it to Target, bought a package of First Response, and chugged a water on my way home. Never have used the stick before, I wasn't sure what to expect. I especially did not expect 2 bold Pink Lines to stare at me in the face. When? How? All I could remember was my dispute with Patrick - It was that to have a baby we need to try....I never remembered trying...damn flood!
As I was still mentally wrapping the 2 bold lines around in my head, Patrick came home up to the bedroom. I apologized to him about my outburst the day before...(it may have even been that morning)... And then, very coy, told him "I think I'm Pregnant". We just laid on the bed in kinda silence. More so guilty silence on my side. --- Hmph...September 17th, 2011. Exactly one year from the day he proposed to me.
Sitting in the doctor's office, the nurse walked in congratulating me on the baby ~ I was stunned. How did she know I was trying? I didn't even know. I immediately thought of every girl sitting in the same chair as me who didn't want the congratulations and the perky smiles. I shook the thoughts from my head and smiled with her, knowing I was not one of them. I'm Pregnant. It hit me. I'm really Pregnant. :)
I did not imagine what was to come when they sent me for an ultrasound. I for sure did not think I would see anything remotely human like. I thought maybe a clump of cells or some weird blob inside me maybe. With the rub of the belly, magically a little creature showed up on the screen. I lost it! Where was Patrick?! I assumed The Blob - not a baby! Why didn't I have him come with me?! Then she played the heart beat. The tears and laughter of complete joy just poured from me. This was the best feeling in the world. A feeling I will never forget. Ever.
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The first day I saw my baby. And heard the heartbeat. |
"And your baby's due date looks like it is May 20th". Wouldn't you know, a New Moon. We just shared our vows under a New Moon. A sign that this baby was meant to be.
A month went by, smelling of fresh new home smell (new carpet does that), when we decided to tell our folks the news. Actually we called and told Patrick's sister first. Living in Hawaii we figured the word wouldn't spread too fast. Skyping makes long distance a little closer. Forgetting that my brother and his wife were in Milwaukee for the weekend with my parents - I was happy to announce the news to them all at once. Although, before I could break any news my brother, obviously more impatient than I, plastered an ultrasound to the screen. Ho-ly Crud... They have no idea!! It looked as though my mom was going to leap out of the screen with excitement! She has no idea!!! I let him share the news and tell us the story of how he told my parents. What would they like for Christmas?? Of course the response of a grandchild came out. And he said Okay! With the cue, we told them "well this kinda is awkward, because we got you the same thing"! Stunned faces stared at us as our baby now sat plastered onto their screen.
What an exciting time, not only to share the news, but to actually share it with my brother. We all live in different states. Maybe this all happened for a reason. To bring us all that much closer.
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13 weeks - Patrick was here to see this beautiful creation... |
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19 weeks - It's a Girl! |
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35 weeks - She's almost here.... |
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36 weeks - Full head of hair...(It looks like someone gave her a stuffed animal to play with in there too)! |
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