Wednesday, December 11, 2013

in the moment > soft curls

I'm so curious what type of hair Lucy will inherit?  The Garrett Curl?... After her baths it curls up so much!  But by the next day, it is stick strait (except for the odd single curl rat tail).  What I love the most is when the big curls show on the sides... I just want to bottle it up.


  1. Patrick's hair did the same thing at Lucy's age. I always blew dry his hair after bathing so I never knew how curly his hair really was until his teens when he grew it out. Love the curls!

  2. You, too, had curls until your first haircut. Then your curls were strictly from rollers. In a perfect world she'll keep the curls and have nice thick hair. Keep your fingers crossed.

  3. Hopefully she gets a little of both! Patrick's nice curl, and my thickness. We shall see.....!!!
