Monday, January 19, 2015

sneak peak > a birthday getaway

I got quite the birthday treat this weekend - a short getaway to Tomales Bay for some incredibly yummy seafood at Nick's Cove :)  Followed with an afternoon stroll in Petaluma.  Drinks, a movie, and sushi included. I think I got my fix of eating all things I literally dream about. And you can never go wrong meeting up with family too!

All of this could have been possible had we had Lucy, but it would not (in this situation) have been as memorable.  So thanks Juju for taking Lucy for the night.  You wiped her out!

It was a pretty good birthday :) xo

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I don't know who had more fun last weekend! Happy Birthday Louie, and have a great year ahead!
    xo juju
