Monday, May 21, 2012

Ring of Fire

Yesterday was May 20th. Yes it was our baby's due date, but it was also the date of the solar eclipse. We were hoping Lucy would come on such a day... But I guess she has stage fright. Maybe she knew she would take all the attention away. How thoughtful....
Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
Map showing zone to see the full Ring of Fire
We were lucky enough to be in the zone to view the eclipse. Although, to see the full event we needed to be about an hour north. The full event being "The Ring of Fire", where the moon passes in front of the sun creating a perfect ring of light. Instead we settled for about 95% viewing. Regardless we had a perfect view right in our own backyard. Almost saw the full ring. What we thought cool was the eerie light in the sky. Kind of felt like a major storm was about to pounce on us. This could have been the reason I thought my water would break at that exact moment. Possibly a good sign that it didn't!!!

Since direct eye contact with the sun could cause eye damage Patrick came through with a couple of solutions for viewing. One, we took an old floppy disk and pulled back the metal thingy in the middle. If you squinted with one eye, you could see the eclipse glow through the film. Unfortunately we couldn't get a good photo of this. The second thing he did was cut a small hole in a piece of paper. By doing this we could see the eclipse in its shadow. Pretty cool how that worked. Got a good view of Lucy on her due date!! A day we will always remember!

Viewing through floppy disk
Patrick and his Shadow
Louie and her Shadow - with Lucy included

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I have to start by saying that I have the best mom in the world!  I am so lucky that I am able to call my mom my best friend.  The past 4 years have been tough living in Las Vegas, while she is still in Wisconsin.  We do talk on the phone almost everyday, although it is not the same when I can't see her.  I would try to go to my folks house once every couple of weeks or at least month when I lived in Milwaukee.  The house was so welcoming with all the windows and doors open to let the natural breeze run through.  I miss that immensely.  Not to mention, the two of them are always on the go keeping up with all the house and yard work.  I wish my husband and I had their intensity and drive.  My parents are definitely something to live up to!
So today I just want to specially thank my mom for everything she has done for me my whole life.  She has raised my brother and I alone through our childhood years when my dad was traveling for work.  She has been there for me through all the good and bad.  She has taken on extra work to get my brother and I through college.  She has supported every decision I've made, or project I've done.  She truly has been the best.  I raise my glass (of milk) to you mom! I love you more than words can describe.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

1 + 1 = 2

Today I realized that Patrick and Louie will be soon no longer be just that.  We are about to become a family.  I went to my doctor yesterday confirming that we will be heading off to the hospital most likely in the next week or so. Currently we are waiting to get measurement of the baby's size.  Four weeks ago they told us that we have a small baby.  Possibly just a normal small baby, or she is not growing due to my body not feeding her efficiently.  So today we go for an ultrasound that will tell us which is so.  If everything looks good, we can let nature take its course.  If we find out otherwise, it sounds like they may send us off to the hospital.  At 38 weeks there would be no benefit for her to stay inside if my body isn't giving her what she needs.   Yes.  I want her here now for my own selfish, giddy, in a way can't wait for Christmas morning reasons, but deep down I hope we can just stick to letting things happen the way they were intended to....
Most likely our last picture together before baby (testing out our new camera!)
Patrick and I are thrilled to have this little one join us in our lives.  It's crazy to think that the time is almost here.  It seems like just yesterday that I moved to Las Vegas to be here with him.  Now we are married with a third about to join.  Most of my fear has disappeared...and all I really feel is....Ready.  Ready to start a new chapter in my life.
1 + 1 = 2

2 + 1 = Family

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Margarita or Mint Julep?

None! I'm Pregnant remember?!  May 5, 2012...Never thought so much would be going on.  Obviously, today is Cinco de Mayo!  That's the party I want to be at.  Although, this year not being able to drink refreshing margaritas and Dos Equis is a little depressing.  Not to mention that it was those that allowed me to think I can salsa dance.

Today also marks the 138th Kentucky Derby.  Okay - So I don't have much to say about this... I don't wear silly hats, nor have I ever tried a mint julep.  But hey, they all look like they are having a great time!  Not sure if they even are aware of horses racing with their hats in the way and the buzz they've got going on.  The race seems like it would be more of a flash going by before them.  Not enough time to focus!

An event that I can not only take part of, but maybe will actually be a victim of is also happening today.  The Full Moon!  My sister-in-law sent me an article about it this morning and I thought it was too funny, I had to share.  Today is not just any full moon, it is the SUPERMOON!  Which means that this month's full moon is 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than any other full moons this year.  So yes! I can take part in this! I can enjoy the breathtaking views with a water in my hand!
 What's so funny about this?  The article that I was sent:

Fox News: Dr. Manny: Will there be a Supermoon Baby Boom?

He speculates that the moon’s gravity is associated with setting women into labor by rupturing the amniotic sac.  The low barometric pressure causes birth rates to spike.  So just short of 38 weeks....I have my bags packed just in case!
 Although, I'm not sure if it the SUPERMOON this year causing the increase in induced labors.  The article also mentions that uncontrolled stresses may cause this.  Duh!  Remember, I'm sitting here on Cinco de Mayo with no drink in my hand!!!  Talk about mouth watering stress!

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Blob

Patrick and I had planned on trying for a baby soon after the wedding, but never would have thought that it would happen so fast.  After a nine hour drive home from Lake Tahoe back to Vegas, we walked into our home with complete surprise.  The water line to our fridge burst, leaving us with the nice wedding gift of flood.  So quickly did our homecoming honeymoon take halt.  The romance died with the smell of mold, water logged carpets, and wet wood.  Coordinating opposite schedules from work to deal with contractors and insurance companies was interrupting our, time....

It was just over a month that things started to come together at the house. September 17th to be exact.  I went to the movies with some girlfriends - The Help - realizing during the film that something wasn't right.  Immediately after I booked it to Target, bought a package of First Response, and chugged a water on my way home.  Never have used the stick before, I wasn't sure what to expect.  I especially did not expect 2 bold Pink Lines to stare at me in the face.  When? How? All I could remember was my dispute with Patrick - It was that to have a baby we need to try....I never remembered trying...damn flood!

As I was still mentally wrapping the 2 bold lines around in my head, Patrick came home up to the bedroom.  I apologized to him about my outburst the day before...(it may have even been that morning)... And then, very coy, told him "I think I'm Pregnant".  We just laid on the bed in kinda silence.  More so guilty silence on my side.  --- Hmph...September 17th, 2011.  Exactly one year from the day he proposed to me.

Sitting in the doctor's office, the nurse walked in congratulating me on the baby ~ I was stunned.  How did she know I was trying?  I didn't even know.  I immediately thought of every girl sitting in the same chair as me who didn't want the congratulations and the perky smiles.  I shook the thoughts from my head and smiled with her, knowing I was not one of them.  I'm Pregnant.  It hit me. I'm really Pregnant.  :)

I did not imagine what was to come when they sent me for an ultrasound.  I for sure did not think I would see anything remotely human like.  I thought maybe a clump of cells or some weird blob inside me maybe.  With the rub of the belly, magically a little creature showed up on the screen.  I lost it! Where was Patrick?!  I assumed The Blob - not a baby! Why didn't I have him come with me?!  Then she played the heart beat.  The tears and laughter of complete joy just poured from me.  This was the best feeling in the world.  A feeling I will never forget.  Ever.

The first day I saw my baby.  And heard the heartbeat.

"And your baby's due date looks like it is May 20th".   Wouldn't you know, a New Moon.  We just shared our vows under a New Moon.  A sign that this baby was meant to be. 

A month went by, smelling of fresh new home smell (new carpet does that), when we decided to tell our folks the news.  Actually we called and told Patrick's sister first.  Living in Hawaii we figured the word wouldn't spread too fast.  Skyping makes long distance a little closer.  Forgetting that my brother and his wife were in Milwaukee for the weekend with my parents - I was happy to announce the news to them all at once.  Although, before I could break any news my brother, obviously more impatient than I, plastered an ultrasound to the screen.  Ho-ly Crud... They have no idea!!  It looked as though my mom was going to leap out of the screen with excitement!  She has no idea!!!  I let him share the news and tell us the story of how he told my parents.  What would they like for Christmas?? Of course the response of a grandchild came out. And he said Okay!  With the cue, we told them "well this kinda is awkward, because we got you the same thing"!  Stunned faces stared at us as our baby now sat plastered onto their screen.

What an exciting time, not only to share the news, but to actually share it with my brother.  We all live in different states.  Maybe this all happened for a reason.  To bring us all that much closer.

13 weeks - Patrick was here to see this beautiful creation...
19 weeks - It's a Girl!
35 weeks - She's almost here....
36 weeks - Full head of hair...(It looks like someone gave her a stuffed animal to play with in there too)!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy May Day!

Hello blogging world! As the common greeting goes, Happy May Day! The coming of May has been much anticipated this year as this month my husband, Patrick, and I are expecting our first little munchkin. Currently I am 37 weeks playing the waiting game, more impatiently than not, for our Lucy to arrive.

Yesterday when I went to work, I wondered what May Day was all about. Seeing as people don't generally say, Happy March Day or Happy November Day!! I assumed it must have something to do with the armed forces, air force, or navy. Reason for my conclusion... The good old distress call, "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday"! And Of course, I was wrong.

May day actually originated before the days of Christ. Pagans celebrated May 1st as the half year mark opposite of November 1st. A festival that the Pagans held in the springtime celebrating Flora, the godess of flowers. May 1st also was the day farm laborers had off after the completion of their seeding (May Day can also be referred to as Labor or Workers Day). Everyone in the community would gather to dance around the maypole with vines wrapped of flowers.

Pagan Springtime Festival ; May 1st

As Europe became Christianized, Pagan traditions began to fade away being pushed aside or merged with our common celebrations of Easter and Christmas. Today, not many people celebrate May day in America. Although, if you get a basket of flowers hanging from your door by anonymous, you then will be part of an old European tradition.

So the arrival of our little Lucy, in hopes will come as we celebrate May flowers and the new spring season vs. the distress call of Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!!!